

Cocktail Dresses & Lemon Cake

Last Valentine's Day, I had just found out I was pregnant, so we decided to skip the hullabaloo in favor of sodas and ravioli at our favorite neighborhood pizzeria, Gino's.

This year, we had a little one in tow, and, not wanting to add a sprinkling of tiny wails to anyone's fancy Valentine's Day dinner, we decided to make Gino's a tradition. We snuggled in a back corner, chatted with the elderly couple next to us, drank the house red, and ate lots of cheesy pasta.

Oh, and I wore a fancy dress. (That's a Rebecca Taylor bought during my sophomore year of college - it sat in the back of my closet for a few years because I felt like the split sleeve, mid-calf hem and low neckline looked dated, but now it's practically vintage and is starting to look stylin' again. And I was inspired by the 1920s cocktail-party looks at the Erickson Beamon show last week, so silk and lace it was.)


This Kind Of Life

I'm scared that one day, a few years from now, my husband will wake up and look at me and at the life that we've built and think, Is that it? Is that all I get? I'm scared that he'll think that. I'm scared that I'll think that.


Weekend Snapshots

This is my favorite picture from the weekend (and probably one of my favorites ever). I totally jumped the gun on posting those first two...plenty of adorable moments ensued in the hours that followed.

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