
Work-In-Progress-Style Sleep Training

Q. Hey Jordan!

Longtime reader here with a Mommy question I was hoping you might have the time to answer. Did you guys do any "sleep training?" I'm the mother of an 8-month-old and am having a heck of a time getting through the long days since little dude is starting to wake up multiple times a night again.

As a working mom, I'm trying my best to be "present" when I have time with him, but it's hard when I feel like I'm ready to nod off any second! Any tips/advice appreciated.



Here’s The Thing

So here's the thing about spending the odd evening on your own.

It is sometimes fun, because you get to do things like try out bizarre beauty products (that is a décolletage mask) that you might try out if your husband was there...but also might not, as it might occur to you that keeping a little mystery alive is possibly a good thing.

And then you might realize that you have a blog upon which you will probably post the mystery-destroying photograph anyway, and send it to your husband via email with the subject line "This is what I do when you're gone."

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