Work It Out
Q. Jordan,
How do you handle childcare for your son and working from home? I am expecting my first child, and own my own business. I have a home office but spend about 15-20 hours a week out and about meeting clients. Also, when I'm working from home, I actually need to work, of course.
I'm feeling like I will need full-time childcare in order to get everything done but also feel like there should be some benefit to owning my own business/working from home that I could get away with less. I'd love to hear how you balance things?
Objects Of Affection
{ Snakeskin and ponyhair sandals awaiting a springtime vacation to parts unknown (fingers crossed) ... }
{ ... The cutest day-of-the-week socks ever ... }
Christmassy Weekend (With Lions)
I love the tradition of picking up a new ornament every Christmas to commemorate the year that just passed. Last year, we went for...a VW bus. For no especially good reason other than that we liked it. So on Sunday's trip to Nyack we thought we'd get a few that really spoke to these past few months.
For Kendrick, a studious owl...