
A Stroll Down Memory Lane: YooHoo Chocolate Drink Commercial (1998)

I've posted old commercials that I shot back in the '90s before just for fun…but today I found this clip, and now I need to show it to you, because it's kind of awesome.

I was just talking with a friend about advertising and slightly-ahead-of-their-time campaigns that don't work particularly well because audiences don't "get" them (even though they would in just a few years, or even months), and in the course of this conversation I mentioned a YooHoo commercial I shot many, many years ago. The commercial was part of a larger campaign that never got a ton of screen-time because it referenced things like threesomes (my commercial) and cults (this commercial, starring Tammy Lynn Michaels, who later became Melissa Etheridge's wife). And while threesomes and cults are hardly eyebrow-raisers now, back in the '90s I guess people were kind of weirded out by sexual innuendo in their soft-drink commercials, and this series didn't do particularly well with focus groups.

But that's not the point of this post.

The point of this post is that I couldn't remember what, exactly, happened in the commercial, and so I went hunting for it, and:


This Might Actually Be The Coolest Thing In The World

Our stroller (the one I stressed and stressed and stressed about buying all those years ago) sort of died.

It still works, technically…it's just that after three years of being trucked up and down flights of stairs, smushed into car trunks, and sat on by dogs and humans, it's seen better days.

Enter: this crazy thing. My life doesn't usually include marvels of technology, mostly because I am completely hopeless at figuring out things like…well, like assembly in general, but I need to tell you how ridiculous-intuitive and amazing this stroller is. Besides the fact that it makes me feel like I'm parenting in the movie Total Recall, putting it together was like the virtual opposite of putting together anything that I've ever gotten from Ikea. As in: I could do it. And I didn't cry.


Weekend Snapshots: Formals & Flowers Edition

Something that's kind of a bummer about Kendrick going to a relatively far-away business school: it limits how much we can get involved in the community there as a couple. I've heard from friends whose husbands or wives have attended business school that it's a really great community - all the partners hang out together, there's a fun social scene, et cetera et cetera - but logistically it's just not really possible for me to hire a babysitter and truck up to Yale for nighttime events all that often.

But for a Spring Formal? Babysitter. Mostly because I haven't been to a school dance in about a decade, and I need some Kesha in my life.

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