
A Stroll Down Memory Lane: Clean & Clear Commercial (1998)

My 15-year high school reunion is tomorrow. I'm going because there are a couple of people it would be really fun to see, and because I love the idea of showing Kendrick my old classrooms and such…but the idea of walking into my old high school makes me panic. High school memories are a little complicated. I mean, you were in high school too, presumably. You know.


Anyway, the upcoming reunion inspired me to do some Googling in search of yet another ancient gem: a Clean and Clear commercial that I shot when I was sixteen, was teased for more than you can imagine, and that there is a very good chance that you remember if you were alive and/or of TV-watching age in 1998, because it was on that much. Which was both good (residual checks) and bad (the aforementioned teasing).


Making New Mama Friends

The below, about the difficult process that is trying to forge new friendships as an adult, is an excerpt from Ramshackle Glam

(Read the full book on your Kindle here.)

Making friends as a grown-up is a tough business - I personally spend approximately 90 percent of my first conversation with a new person trying to figure out exactly how much of my personality I can reveal while not freaking them out - and making friends as a new mom can be even tougher.

My Looks

Jersey Shore

Giving my best gaze-into-the-distance face on Francesca's porch.

Ray Ban sunglasses; fedora ℅ Hat Attack; Forever 21 vest (similar); Nordstrom Rack shorts (similar); Huarache sandals and beach bag ℅ Crocs. 

My Instagram feed this weekend was filled with beach shot after beach shot, so apparently we weren't the only ones who saw an 80-degree day and immediately went looking for a patch of sand. Where we went for an early birthday celebration (my 33rd was on Monday): Francesca's family's place down by the Jersey shore for a day of stick-gathering, swinging, frozen Snickers bars, pasta salad as the sun went down…and a little JWoww, of course (because no trip to the shore is complete without her).



Just hit my third trimester today. I thought it was a couple of weeks ago, because Math Is Hard, but my weekly BabyCenter email just informed me that nope: today.

You guys. I am so tired. I had forgotten this minor aspect of the third trimester.

Like full-body, please let me sleep all day and every day for eva and eva tired. Cannot full form sentences tired (which is not an especially ideal situation for a person who theoretically must form sentences for a living).

(And not because I'm not sleeping: I totally am.)

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