Ohmygoodness I Like It Here

Miami has been a total whirlwind so far, and I'll be posting more shots from the weekend on Monday, but in the meantime, can I just say?

This is my kind of nightcap. (There is a Pinkberry five feet from the front door of my hotel, and it pretty much made my life last night when I got home from Cotton's 24-Hour Runway Show - which is still happening, by the way. I'm heading back right now, and you can check it out here; it's streaming live until 8PM tonight.)


Say Yes

I write a lot about the process of getting older. It's even the main theme of my second book...which is ostensibly a memoir about pregnancy and style, but is really an exploration of the feeling that I've been struck by so often during these past few years: the sense that I somehow teleported straight from a bar on the Sunset Strip into adulthood, with no real understanding of how in the world it came to be that I went and officially Grew Up.

It just happened.

It's a bizarre - and in many ways, exciting - thing to realize: that when I'm standing there in the middle of one disaster or another, looking around for an adult to come along and help out, that adult I'm looking for is me. And I can handle it - whatever "it" is - myself.


Bucket List IV: Philly Day Trip

#roadtripping to Philly!

I've been to Philadelphia to meet with my publisher a few times over the past year or so, but it's always a quick in-and-out trip; a stop into the office, a nearby lunch, and then back in the car for a mad rush back up the Garden State Parkway to get home in time for dinner. I did do the whole cobblestone streets/historical landmarks/mustard pretzels thing way back in the fifth grade, but my major takeaway from that particular visit is the fact that Francesco told me that he liked Sarah better than he liked me, so: time for a return trip.


Totally Guarded The Galaxy

Like every kid on the planet, I loved Halloween. I loved dressing up and running down hallway after hallway (in New York City, you trick or treat in apartment buildings), and most of all loved going home that night and sorting through my candy, organizing it into piles according to a very specific hierarchical system I'd developed over the years, with Snickers at the top and Red Hots at the very bottom along with those weird-flavored Tootsie Rolls and anything involving black licorice.

But ever since I graduated from the trick or treating stage, Halloween has been one of my least favorite holidays - sort of like New Year's, it just feels like so much pressure. YOU MUST HAVE FUN TONIGHT. You know.


Happy Halloween!


(Don't worry, I didn't renege on my promise to be not-lame this year with the costume; the cat getup was just for my son's school Halloween party. The green face paint is happening in a couple of hours. Obviously pictures are forthcoming, but I have to warn you: I have a feeling that the overall effect is going to be much more "messy and weird" than "awesome and badass.")

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