Cold Spring Day Trip

Hat Attack Hat; LAGOS Ring; Zara Blazer; Alexis Bittar Lucite Earrings; Ora Delphine Bucket Bag ℅

I've written about Cold Spring a whole bunch, but that's because every single time I go I'm reminded just how much I love it. It's just such a…gem. (I'm aware I sound like a grandma, but a gem is exactly what it is.) Cool little antique stores selling stuff you actually want to buy (albeit slightly overpriced, but you can always score a "Mystery Bag" for $5 if you're feeling adventurous), artisanal finds for the home, fun little shops for kids, and THE BEST STEAK SANDWICH ON THE PLANET (I mean that). And if you don't have a car, Cold Spring is just a little over an hour away from NYC via the Metronorth.


The Family Sleepover

So many family sleepovers this weekend. (That's all of us on my parents' pull-out couch on Saturday morning.)

We spent Friday night in the city at my mom and dad's place, and then headed to Francesca's family's house in Jersey on Sunday to spend the remainder of the long weekend with them. It was a little exhausting, not gonna lie, but it's part of my whole "say yes" kick: pre-Goldie, we got in the habit of turning down invitations and staying home just because it seemed easier, but you know what? Once you get in the habit of running around with kids, it's not nearly as overwhelming as it sounds.


Happy New Year’s Eve! (And A Video)

Thank you SO MUCH to all of you who took time out of your busy holiday season to answer my "how can I do better in 2015" survey - it's been so fun reading through all the submissions and learning more about you and what you're looking for from RG (if you didn't get a chance to fill it out and would like to add your two cents, click here).

(Got it.)

Some favorite comments and a few responses:

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