Et Cetera Ad Infinitum And I Can’t


I am now officially completely overwhelmed by the logistical issues associated with a cross-country move.

The sale of one house, the purchase of another. The sale of one car, the purchase of another. The booking of flights to search for a place to live, and the booking of car rentals and AirBnBs for said search. The filling out of the tens of thousands of forms that you apparently must fill out when you move four human lives three thousand miles, all of which appear to be written in Chinese. And et cetera ad infinitum.

The dogs broke me.


Women in Business Q&A: Jordan Reid, Founding Editor, RamshackleGlam.com

Click over to The Huffington Post Business section today for an interview in which I talk epic career failures (and a few successes), how I figured out what the hell I wanted to do with my life, the challenge of maintaining a work/life balance when your life is, in some ways, your work, and how I handle online negativity. And lots of other stuff. It's a fun one, I think.


On The Hunt

So, my son has this newfound love for wandering around thrift stores (we call it "treasure hunting").

I understand that this is a pretty bizarre thing for a three-year-old to be into, but bizarre or no, it excites me so much that I have to take him out to do this whenever humanly possible. My parents live just a block away from my favorite thrift store on the planet - the Salvation Army on West 46th Street, where you can find crazy-good furniture and clothing and knickknacks (they call it "bric-a-brac") and - best of all...

Superhero-themed Chutes and Ladders games still in the original packaging (!).


Here Is An Important Thing For You To Know

OK, so perhaps this is common knowledge, but it was not common to me. Or at least had never occurred to me. Not, that is, until yesterday afternoon, when I got in my car, turned on the heater to "high," and very quickly and dramatically learned that soda cans left in freezing-cold vehicles overnight and then rapidly reheated?

Will explode.

Or possibly create a series of explosions, if what you left in your car was not, say, a single soda can, but rather an entire carton of them.

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