A Trip Down Memory Lane: The Effed Up Yogurt Cake

In the old apartment, 2009

Vintage us (and Lucy) in our 2009 apartment.

Last night I was hunting around on RG for an old recipe - because the Superbowl is on Sunday and a couple of friends who are actually into football are coming over, so now I'm feeling all inspired to do something...I don't know, thematic. Football-y. As it turns out, the number of recipes related in any way whatsoever to football on Ramshackle Glam is zero - shocker, I know - but that's not the point.



Jordan Reid in cutoff shorts and black tights

Loft Sweater | Vintage Prada Necklace (similar) | DIY-ed Cutoffs (similar) | Frye Boots

I have a confession: I am more out of shape now - a year and a half after the arrival of my second child - than I was immediately after giving birth.

It's not about weight or how I look - both of which are fine, I suppose, or at least fine by me. It's about how I feel. And how I feel is like a slug.


Why We Wait

Jordan Reid with her son and daughter

You know that ramen place I keep mentioning? The one with the line so insane that you have to show up an hour before it opens and get your name on the waiting list if you want to eat anytime in the near future?

We keep going back.

Every single time, we say that we're going to leave at exactly 10:10AM - the precise minute that would get us to the restaurant in time to have our name be among the first on the list. And then, according to this plan, we'll hang out at a playground or get coffee or something before heading back to the restaurant at 11:30, at which point the restaurant will finally opens its doors so we can eat our perfect, perfect ramen and go about the rest of our day all happy and full of soup.


Our Weird Little New Year’s (Video)

Children watching a plane take off from inside the terminal

My feeling is that when you spend the day traveling across the country with two children and a husband with a broken foot for the second time in under a week, and all four of you have recently recuperated from the stomach flu, and oh yes, it's New Year's Eve, you should probably get naked on the plane. So I did.

(If you missed the video from leg one of our epic journey, it's here.)


Oh, This Week

Graphic red and grey carpet and a plaid shirt

In our hotel room, about one hour before shit got real.

You may have noticed (or, I don't know, maybe not) that I haven't been posting about what we've been up to during our Ohio trip this week. There is a very, very good reason for this.

As a prelude, let me give you a sampling of the texts I got from girlfriends who were on the receiving end of updates as to exactly how exceptionally badly our week has been going.

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