Oh my god. Where have leash splits been all my life?
Virgil Got Groomed / Oh, Dear
Oh, dear.
Nyack / Bear Mountain
We spent the weekend in Bear Mountain for my high school best friend Cynthia's wedding, with stopovers each way in Nyack (one of my favorite day trips).
Wandering Weekend / 2 Days In Food And Other Things
What a long, wonderful, wander-y weekend this was.
Anniversaries and Extravagance
What, we need to get all trussed up and take a $20 taxi (each way) to get to some restaurant that we probably can't afford...just because? To make...a point? What point would that be, exactly? That romance is found on the face of a hundred dollar bill, or in a perfectly pressed napkin? That's not the kind of marriage - or, you know, life - that I want.