Want to see something totally random and kind of cool? This is the one music video I ever shot, for Robert Miles' "Children." Go to 1:32 to see me (check out my rockin' Vans!), and then to 2:53 to see a very young Izabella Miko, who later ended up starring in Coyote Ugly, among other things.
Beautiful Days Make For Happy Dogs
See? (At the Carl Schurz Small Dog Run earlier today.)
After a long day of shooting all over the city with other people's babies (for an upcoming BetterTV series on small dogs)...
One Of Life’s Great Questions: Solved
I've always wondered: if I suddenly discovered a strange man in my apartment, how would I react?
Last night, I got my answer.
And the answer is: poorly.
I Just Cannot With This Dog
Her new haircut is too much. And the bows!