OK, so yesterday a couple of charming people came running over here to get all hot and bothered about the fact that I wore shorts! And heels! And I'm pregnant!
Basketweave Baby Blanket
My mom crocheted a green and yellow baby blanket to take me home in, and for years I've dreamed of making something similar for my own baby.
And So It’s Good-Bye
My friend Daniel died two days ago. I just got the news, and I am so sad that I don't know what to do with it.
The Overalls Love Is Nothing New
(That's me. It seems I've always been an OshKosh fan.)
Just: Aww
When we found out it was a boy, I thought: "Hey, that's cool. As long as I get to put him in a pair of blue-and-white striped OshKosh overalls, I can let go of the ruffly dress thing."