Check out what my mom made for Indy. I can't imagine any gift I'd love more.
Weekend Snapshots
I feel like I - or, rather, all of us - deserve a medal for how much walking happened on Saturday. We're talking 9 solid hours of movement, with only brief stops here and there for eating/drinking purposes. Wow, did I ever pay for it the next day (hello, sciatica!)...but it was so fun.
Forty Years Ago, Somewhere In The Middle
They meet at a bar in New York: he's managing the house band, she's headed south on a road trip with some guy she's dating. He sees her sitting on a barstool and tells her he's going to marry her. She laughs.
Ogunquit Trip
Ogunquit Trip from Jordan Reid on Vimeo.
Little pieces of the last few days...
Weekend Snapshots
Whenever we drive up to Maine, we try to leave some time for pit stops along the way. This time, we hit Cambridge just around 2PM, so we thought we'd stop in for lunch and to say hi to my old dorm (sort of pictured above).