It is very uncool to say that you like Times Square. If you're a "real" New Yorker, you're supposed to hate it: all that tackiness, consumerism, artificiality...and the tourists! You're supposed to really hate tourists.
It’s The Little Things
And two of the little things presently making this rainy morning brighter are a pair of 2Bandits squash blossom earrings and a monkey mug.
An Update
Yeah, I know.
I can't believe I'm still pregnant, either.
Weekend Snapshots…Featuring An Experiment That Did Not Work
So today is my due date.
Pregnancy Advice III: The Name Game
Q. Not that you need to disclose any name you have chosen, but how did you and Kendrick make this decision?
My college boyfriend and I once got to discussing what we would name our children-to-be, should things ever progress in that direction. He told me that he had always known what his first son would be named, and that it was not a topic that was, to his mind, up for discussion.
The name that he had chosen? Atlas. As in the big muscle-y dude holding up the sky. Which I'm sure is very well-suited for some, but...not so much my style.
So I was psyched to discover that Kendrick and I have pretty similar taste in names.