
Down The Wormhole

Kendrick and I have one of those screen-saver things set up where our TV links to my computer and randomly scrolls through my (millions and millions) of photos. The problem with this is that we actually can't even glance at the thing if we don't want to spend the next hour staring at it and reminiscing. Seriously: it stops us in our tracks and does things like postpone dinner and/or actual plans.

It's shots like this one (from summer 2012, a couple of months before we moved) that kill me.

First of all: baby chick hair. And second of all, I do miss some things about the city: mostly our little rituals, like early-morning trips to the diner before Kendrick headed off to work (we were getting up with - sometimes even before - the sun in those days). We've replaced breakfasts on First Avenue with new rituals now, of course, but it's still nice to go down the wormhole sometimes.


Weekend Snapshots: Museum Sprints Edition

Usually weekends feel like they fly by, and Monday morning arrives and I'm all sad because I wish I had an extra day to spend with my guys.

It's Monday morning right now, and I do still wish I had an extra day, of course I do...but this weekend we did it right. Honestly, we packed so much into the past two days that it felt like an entire summer's worth of...




Objects Of Affection (And Car Obsession)

My son is obsessed with cars. And I don't use the word "obsessed" here lightly: over the past two months, each and every trip to CVS has resulted in the purchase of one of the items that you see above (have to say, though, I'm rather proud of his classic tastes when it comes to vehicle selection; above please note two Mustangs, a Bug and a Lamborghini).

When sitting at an outdoor restaurant, this is how the conversation goes, always:

<Frantic pointing>

Me: That's a car. That's a truck. Car. Van. Car. Car. Car. Big red car. Bus. Truck."

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