

Five Reasons to Write Letters in the Digital Age

There are some things we got right the first time—communication being one of them. Don’t get me wrong, e-mails, texts, and wall comments are great for speed and safety (as in not putting your address out there). When it comes to saying something meaningful, however, nothing has replaced the letter. Here are a few reasons to put pen to paper every now and again.


Erica’s Fudge Drop Cookies

Here is one of my favorite go-to recipes. It is the perfect cookie/brownie hybrid…and the best part is you don’t need any fancy equipment to make them—just a mixing bowl and a wooden spoon!


Baking Tips

If you have a few simple, yummy recipes under your belt (or apron), and get comfortable with the basics, baking is a breeze, and you can learn how to change up recipes a bit if the cook in you comes calling.

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