You know how they say "it takes a village to raise a child"? Well, it may not be a "rule" - I mean, we made the decision to move our son to a town where we knew exactly no one, and it's been great in many ways, if sometimes challenging - but having someone who gets exactly what you're going through standing right there next to you so you can do the raising together? It's not just "easier." Or "more manageable."
It's those things, yes...but mostly it just makes it easier to laugh at the things that can feel not-so-funny when you're all on your own.
When Morgan and I were talking on the phone last week and decided that I'd get on a flight and come to San Francisco for a few days, it was about more than just "wanting" to spend some time together. Both of us were in a moment where we were feeling something that went beyond "overwhelmed" and straight into "I can't do this" territory, and I think we both needed to see that it was okay and that how we were feeling was not just fine, but normal, and have someone to look at when all three of our children started screaming at the top of their lungs in unison about nothing at all...and crack up.
I've laughed so much these past few days.