

The Way It Went

(Blogging & Lunch / 5 days old / October 26, 2011)

This is one of those posts that I was talking about when I said I needed a couple of weeks to let my emotions settle so that I'd be able to see straight. I'm not sure that they're settled entirely quite yet - so forgive me if I ramble, or if things aren't quite wrapped up with a neat little bow - but this is the best I can do for now. Mostly because man, I'm tired. Happy, but tired.

What I'm writing about today: my labor. It was not what I had expected. I was not what I had expected.


In The Feathers & The Leaves

Fall style, to me, is all about shopping your closet and rediscovering those great pieces that you totally forgot that you owned. And that goes double when you've spent the last few months pregnant - you get to rediscover things like buttons. And zippers that zip.

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