Dear Jordan, I'm so embarrassed that this is the way I'm choosing to introduce myself to you, but hey: Desperate Times, meet Desperate Measures.
Final (Fingers Crossed) Trip
Our last trip up to look at a surprise for Kendrick.
This Kind Of Life
I'm scared that one day, a few years from now, my husband will wake up and look at me and at the life that we've built and think, Is that it? Is that all I get? I'm scared that he'll think that. I'm scared that I'll think that.
(Nearly) 3-Month Checkup
Maybe you could parent in exactly the way you'd like to for an afternoon...but for a lifetime? Who you really are just comes out; the overwhelming amount of time that you spend with a person who is absolutely dependent on you in every way casts everything that you are into sharp relief.
Happy New Year!
Happy 2012.