The second - and I mean the second - you actually give birth, the only things people want to talk about are 1) How fast it all goes and how desperately sad you'll be when your children are grown, and 2) When you're going to have another.
Three Things
You should see me in the children's library at StoryTime Hour: I literally sit in the corner helping Indy not destroy things and making moony eyes at the trio of Potentially Kindred Spirit Moms who seem like they're having a grand old time hanging out in the Maurice Sendak section.
Jordan In The House: Moving Day!
You Know, I Thought This Would Take Longer
So there I was: mid-afternoon, all alone in a completely silent neighborhood where I know exactly no one, trapped on a teeny patio holding a baby who absolutely could not be put down for even a second thanks to the aforementioned unsafeness.
Fashion As Lightning Rod
When fashion is approached through a lens of sexuality and propriety (and bralets by nature, being underwear-as-outerwear, bring both issues to the forefront), a witch-hunt atmosphere can sometimes get stirred up.