

What’s Left When Your Goals Are Gone?

Q. Jordan,

I'm an avid reader of Ramshackle Glam, and a high school senior. I realize that this is probably a very strange question, but...I'm at a loss.

Yesterday was decision day for most of the Ivy League schools. I got a perfect ACT score, and I have a good GPA. I took on as many leadership roles as possible in clubs and such, and I've made a precariously small amount of friends because I've been working so hard to get straight As since freshman year.

And I applied to a lot of Ivies. I told myself that all of the hours writing essays and the late nights studying for exams would be worth it because I would get in to the school that I so desperately wanted, I would be away from the other students who had mocked me for studying so hard, and I would finally be around people that were interested in the same things as I am and would appreciate me for my intelligence. Which sounded like a great plan.


How To Move On From The Past When It’s Right There In Front Of You

Q. Dear Jordan,

I have a question that I feel like you might be able to relate to.

I fell in love with [a famous musician]. Without going into telling details, I helped shape his now incredibly successful and lucrative career. 

We've lost touch and he's only gotten more successful. He has children now, and I am a relatively new mother. Mutual friends keep me informed of the goings-on but it only takes the laziest of Google searches to see that he's still traveling the world and making music.


Grown-Up Pants

You know how child actors are always going on about how they "skipped their childhoods"? Well, I didn't do that. I was good and irresponsible during those key formative years. But I did have some expectation that six or so years spent traipsing around on sets alongside people twice my age followed by four years of pretty excellent education would spit me out on the other side capable know...being an adult. Not through any effort of my own, mind you. Just because I figured someone would implant that knowledge directly into my brain with zero exertion on my part.

...What, that's not how it works?

I started acting professionally when I was twelve years old and a director who lived in my building asked me to audition for a commercial he was shooting. I got an acting agent, and then hooked up with Ford to do some modeling, and within a year I was going on auditions and go-sees more days than not. I went to a relatively arts-friendly high school, and they let me rearrange my schedule so that I took the majority of my classes in the mornings, leaving me free for work in the afternoons.

And it was fun, mostly.

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