
Weekend Snapshots

So our town, in a bid to make me love it even more than I thought possible, does this thing called “Third Fridays”, where on the third Friday of every month they more or less shut down Main Street and have things like live music, free food and wine samples, and capoeira demonstrations. And all the restaurants and shops stay open late, so it’s basically a town-wide street party. It’s lovely.

The street is lined with antiques shops, and a few of them put out tables filled with little things being sold at a discount. Above is our find: a gold-framed Alice in Wonderland painting for $20.

On Saturday morning, we headed to the Farmer’s Market for dinner supplies and Storytime In The Park.

Some of my Farmer’s Market finds: peaches, heirloom tomatoes, scallions, and…ba da dum…garlic-stuffed olives from Pickle Licious.

And then I sat in the hammock for a bit, waiting for our friends to arrive from the city. That’s what I like about 20-minute meals (which are the only kinds I make these days): you can do things like hang out in a hammock reading US Weekly while you wait for your guests, instead of frantically chopping and whisking and preparing. (Farmer’s Market-bought desserts also help.)

I finally got to break out the 1950s Fire King bowls that I found in Cold Spring.

Our friends Lauren and Brian, cracking up at our son’s “Incredible Hulk” move.

On the menu: Blue Monster Burgers with Special Sauce, Honey Corn, and Tangy Avocado-Potato Salad (recipes coming up).

And then this was Sunday: a trip into town for brunch at Sweetgrass, which opens at 10AM in a nice concession to those of us who wake up at 6AM on Sundays (and every day) rather than the far more normal hour of noon.

And then we went to the mall, which we thought would be fun, but ended up being kind of not-so-fun and exhausting (the high point was a trip to Build-A-Bear).

See? Exhausting.

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