
Weekend Snapshots

I spent Friday night dyeing myself purple.

Not intentionally. I was trying to do my nails because I was shooting a segment the next day that I thought might involve lots of hand close-ups…and I don’t know how to explain the disaster that I created. I have used both this nailpolish and this nailpolish remover many times before, but this time rather than taking off the polish, the remover just sort of smeared it around and then cemented it to my fingertips, dyeing them a lovely, semipermanent shade of eggplant. The shoot ended up being postponed, so it totally didn’t matter, but still. Why?

(And yes, that’s a Solo cup next to me. I bought them for the post-partum weeks, during which I figured I’d be uninterested in doing things like washing glasses, and then remembered that oh right…I’m always uninterested in doing things like washing glasses, newborn or no. And so now they’re what I drink my bazillion daily glasses of water out of.)

Anyway, as you can see in that video, I was more than a little tired, so by 10:30 I had called it a night.

I only found out that the shoot had been postponed after I got ready, so I ended up wandering around doing errands while looking quite a bit more done-up than I ordinarily would on a Saturday.

I’m kind of into the Accessories Explosion look lately. (From L to R, that’s a Swati Jr bracelet, my grandmother’s necklace from Costa Rica, a Courtesan Studio stretch bracelet, my Nanny Ruth’s ring, a ROXoxox ring, a ring that my parents gave me when I turned 30, and a bamboopink bracelet worn as an armband.*)

Oh, and check out my hands! No dye, what do you know. It seems I willed myself into the aforementioned intense cell turnover.

This is that ridiculously pretty bag (Lena Erziak) that I won in a raffle, hanging out with me at Cafe Bari.

On Saturday night we decided to see Wanderlust, and were stunned by the extent to which we have become grownups and laugh at the kinds of dorky, grownup jokes that our parents used to laugh at (and we used to roll our eyes about) when we were kids. Go to 1:47 in the trailer for What To Expect When You’re Expecting and you’ll see what I mean.

Wanderlust, by the way, was a solid B. I loved the first third or so, but it seemed like after that the filmmakers sort of forgot what they had been getting at but kept the cameras rolling anyway. The entire movie, however, is worth seeing for the extremely long and mind-bendingly uncomfortable scene of Paul Rudd “seducing” himself in a mirror.

On Sunday, I did a little DIY-ing. Tutorial coming up shortly (blue mason jars are a 2-day process, so I’m finishing them up today).

And hung out with this little face.

It was fun.

Also fun: putting on my dancing shoes (these, by Seychelles) for the first time in…oh, a year and a half or so…

And taking Mom swing dancing for her birthday.

The walk through Times Square at twilight gets me every time.

*Product samples provided by manufacturers.

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