
Huh! Who Knew?

Jerry Orbach was Lumiere.

I love Lumiere! Which makes sense, because I also love Jerry Orbach.

I would love him anyway because, you know, Baby’s father…but I also had a fun little encounter with him many years ago that cemented my adoration: in the mid-90’s, I acted alongside him in a guest spot on Law & Order, and he was the nicest person ever. I was all busy losing my mind over the close proximity of Benjamin Bratt, and while Benjamin couldn’t have been less interested in chatting up the fifteen-year-old who had momentarily forgotten that a) she was fifteen, b) she was talking to Benjamin Bratt, and c) Benjamin Bratt was busy with Julia Roberts at the time, Jerry asked all sorts of questions about my classes and what kinds of extracurriculars I was into, and even brought me a little fan to keep me cool when the temperature in the room where we were shooting got uncomfortably high.

Seriously nice guy.

(factoid discovered via)

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