
Last Night’s Big Event

Last night we were laying in bed, and I felt a weird little popping sensation on the right side of my midsection. I figured it was either more ligament-stretching (whoa, does that ever hurt) or the enormous amount of pizza I’d just had for dinner settling in for the evening, but then remembered that I’m just about at 16 weeks, and that’s when you’re supposed to start feeling kicks…and early kicks feel a lot like digestion/hunger gurgles. But not exactly.

Which is what this felt like.

I told Kendrick to put his hand on my tummy, and he…OK, it was adorable, so I need to give you a visual. It went like this:

“YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH!!!!” Plus a launch into the air and a few jumps on the bed. And the biggest smile I’ve ever seen, and the guy has quite the smile on a regular day.

So that was exciting. Hey there, kid!

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