
My Dog Is Depressed

Virgil is depressed.

For the past few days – ever since he was groomed – he whines constantly, doesn’t want to be walked or play fetch, and needs to be carried down the stairs. I initially freaked out a bit – I thought that maybe he’d been hurt during the grooming, or was sick – but I pressed all over his body and there didn’t seem to be any spot in particular that was bothering him (this is a good tactic to localize where your dog is hurt, by the way…just don’t press too hard. They’ll let you know – nipping, whining – when you’ve hit the painful area). So I Googled, and it turns out that it’s not particularly uncommon for dogs (or cats) to get depressed following a close shave. To put it simply: they’re mortified. They think that they did something wrong, and that you’re punishing them by forcing them to wander around naked.

Which is heartbreaking. And kind of cute. It’ll grow back, Virg! In the meantime, let’s implement my #1 remedy: the Constant Snuggle (with emphasis on ear-scratching).

(I know, Lucy looks depressed too, but nah: she’s just mildly irritated by her little brother’s affections.)

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