Makeup & Beauty

Cosmopolitan & Olay CC Cream Shoot

Remember my shoot with Cosmo and Olay last month?

Presenting: the finished result! (You can find it in March’s issue.)

The product featured in the shoot (and what we used on set): Olay’s CC Cream, part of the next generation of all-in-one products. The CC Cream does about a million things, including fighting wrinkles, moisturizing, and protecting skin from the sun…but my favorite part is that it completely evens out your skin tone (we didn’t even use any concealer after applying the cream), while still feeling totally weightless.

Here’s a behind-the-scenes video in which we talk blog inspiration, beauty fixes, and secret indulgences (mine is actually not-so-secret; anyone who’s been reading here for more than a week probably could have guessed it).

Check out some more behind-the-scenes shots here, and “Like” Olay on Facebook to learn more about new products and special offers.