A Little Strictly PG, A Little Acting Out

The occasional Aerosmith concert or engagement party aside, we don’t actually go out together in the city a whole lot. We mean to, we plan to…but whenever we hire a babysitter it ends up just sounding so much easier to go out somewhere around here rather than end our evening with a Metronorth ride and a taxi from the train station.

Lazy? Yes. But we’re lazy. Ain’t no shame.

A whole-family trip into the city that enables our son to get in some quality grandparent time while we head out until whatever hour we feel like, though? That sounds good. So on Saturday afternoon we packed up dogs and babies and diaper bags and headed in.

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What was funny about this evening – probably one of our first in several years where we honestly didn’t have any special plans or any particular time we had to be home: it ended up being a strange little blend of Strictly PG (John’s Pizzeria, Pinkberry, drinking hot chocolate while window-shopping on Bleecker – and accidentally buying a truly spectacular pair of boots) and acting out like we were teenagers who had just been released on society for the first time.

freebird by steve madden boots

Those boots, for example?

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(Here is a slightly less atmospheric but also better shot.)

We went home with them partially because Kendrick is sweet and wanted to buy me something special for no especially good reason, partially because they’re sort of like the Grand Realization of Everything I Have Ever Wanted In A Boot, and partially because the women in the store went on and on about how Kendrick and I looked like we couldn’t possibly be a day over 24 and practically fainted (or at least did a stellar acting job) when we told them we were parents of a two-year-old with another on the way.

It was an excellent sales technique.

“I look like a college student, you say? Here is my credit card.”

And then we decided we wanted to do something a little Vintage Us.

We’ll talk about that in a moment.

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