
Let’s talk about Steamed Mini Pork Buns. I order them often (in fact, I ordered them for dinner last night), but have been unable to take a pretty picture of them – hence my usage of the photo above – because let’s be honest: the things aren’t exactly supermodels. They are, however, tiny, juicy, and unspeakably delicious, and their absence on a Chinese takeout menu means I ain’t orderin’. 

I also love enormous, fluffy pork buns, which are a totally different animal from the ones pictured above, but possibly even tastier. Obviously Momofuku’s are next-level, but Citysearch has a good breakdown of Chinatown’s Best Buns (“Top Bun” goes to Sun Sai Gai)

Also, cool: I found a recipe for how to make Momofuku’s buns yourself at home: If you live in NYC (or anywhere pre-made buns are readily available), skip the bun-making step and focus on the pork.

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