With Jauntsetter’s Dorothy
A Clown-Costumed Attendee
Monday night started with one of the strangest events I’ve ever attended: the D’Artagnan “Party Like It’s 1699!” fiesta. Attendees, to my surprise, seemed to all know that the dress code dictated red-and-white attire befitting…courtesans and clowns? Something like that. Dorothy of Jauntsetter (who invited me to the event) and I dressed like…ourselves. But that didn’t stop us from pretty much bathing in the very, very delicious French reds and pates. In my opinion, anytime you’re invited to an event celebrating a company that provides meat to four-star chefs, you go.
I loved having the opportunity to get to know Dorothy better – she’s such an extraordinarily accomplished young woman. She founded Jauntsetter all by herself, and rapidly shaped it into a cutting-edge travel site aimed at young urban women. Amazing. (I also think it’s pretty cool that all of us young blogger ladies are getting to know one another and helping each other along the way.)
My favorite dishes from the D’Artagnan event:
– Blanquett de Veau de lait (milk-fed Veal Blanquette)…yum yum yum…
– Jambon Mangalica
– Piece Montee of French Kisses (OK, I didn’t actually eat this dish because it smelled so bad, but I think it sounds really cool: prunes marinated in Armagnac and stuffed with foie gras mousse)