
At the John Sahag Workshop yesterday afternoon with the man who singlehandedly saved my locks, Doug Macintosh. It’s been six months since my last Keratin treatment, and I was definitely due for a touch-up (they last 3-5 months).

Keratin is literally the best beauty treatment I have ever gotten (and that includes eyelash extensions from Ebenezer in Koreatown, which I got before my wedding and are pretty damn great). I shot some video at the salon so you can see how it works, which I’ll post as soon as I figure out how to fix the sound (I looked at the videos last night, and there’s a lot of echoing and whirring-of-hairdryers).

I’m totally passionate about the treatment, and honestly feel that it changed my life. I know that might sound silly (I am just talking about hair, of course)…but it’s freed up so much time that I used to spend wrestling with my hair for other things, like husband-and-puppy-cuddling. Oh, and see that hand gesture I’m making up there? That’s me describing what my hair looked like pre-Keratin treatment (hint: large) if it was even the slightest bit damp outside.

Treatment generously comped by salon.

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