
Mink eyelashes

Between Cathrine’s photography, Ernesto’s hairstyling, Nathan’s makeup, and Nkem’s wardrobe styling, I felt like a total princess. Nathan (who has worked with celebs such as Angelina Jolie and Mariah Carey and photogs such as Patrick Demarchelier and Steven Klein, and is totally adorable) even adorned me with the lipstick used on Angelina in this iconic shoot, which she had discontinued almost immediately afterwards.

I did some modeling back in the day, and I have never, ever worked with professionals who made me feel as beautiful as these four. It was an incredible experience, and I felt so honored that such talented people would give their time to us.

Pictures to come, obvs.

P.S. I know I look odd in this photo; all the others that Kendrick took came out blurry for some reason.

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