

With Jordan & Meghan at The Pour House tonight.  They had delicious appetizers, of which I did not partake, as I’m on Day 2 of a five day Blueprint Cleanse right now.  Totally worth it, though!!  I feel better than I have in weeks.  (I haven’t had any Blueprint since November, I believe).

Juice cleanse generously provided by Blueprint.

Well, someone had to wear pigtails!

Moments after this picture was taken, I was gently coerced strong-armed into playing some Journey on Rock Band. As the creator of Rock Band was sitting on drums about five feet to my right, I was a touch nervous. 80% (on the Easy setting) isn’t that bad, right? …Right?

Frankie B jeans purchased my freshman year of college (they used to be dark blue) equally ancient Urban Outfitters belt, vintage button-down, Fifi & Elvis shoes ($29 at TJ Maxx!).

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