
I’ll be MIA for the next few days, on vacation with Julia and Meghan (Julia’s Xmas gift to me!). We have zero Internet action there, but have no fear: I queued up some lovely, bliss-y posts for you to enjoy until I return.

xoxo…here’s to safe travels 🙂

P.S. I’d like to address the fact that I’m feeling extremely conflicted about going on vacation and doing something lovely at this moment in time…and in the same part of the world that’s experiencing such tragedy. I don’t quite know what to say about that, other than…I am so heartbroken about what is going on in Haiti. I know that you can’t stop going about your life and doing the things that you’re doing – even in the face of tragedy – but you can take a moment to stop, realize how truly lucky you are, and conduct yourself as best you can with the knowledge that there are people out there who need your help. Anything you can do – even the smallest thing, even if it’s just talking about the tragedy with your loved ones and telling them how much they mean to you – well…that’s something. And if everyone does a little something, that’s what will make the difference.

Please, give your time, give your money, or give your prayers. Just give what you can.

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