
Virgil with his honorary Dogmother Morgan after brunch at Wicker Park (Kendrick brought him to meet us afterwards…we didn’t actually pull up a seat for him at the table). 

Wicker Park might be my new UES pick for brunch – technically it’s a pub, but the decor is much airier and prettier than your typical bar/restaurant, and food is much better than the offerings at the other pubs in the area I’ve tried. And the price is totally reasonable, especially given the cozy atmosphere: $12.95 for a big, delicious plate of food and a beverage (including Bud Light drafts and mimosas). I had Eggs Benedict, which came with potatoes and an unusually nice side salad, and sources (Morgan and Andrea) tell me that the breakfast sandwich is awesome too. The Bloody Marys aren’t included in the brunch special, but if you go, you must get one anyway: they’re among the best I’ve ever had. 

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