

This morning it was too cold for me to hit the streets in search of my usual cup of coffee from the deli down the block, so I was very, very psyched when the mailman delivered a box full of N.O. Brew coffee, courtesy of the company reps. It’s very delicious, comes in lots of different flavors, can be served hot or cold…and each bottle makes up to thirteen coffee drinks, so it’s economical, as well. 

YOUR CHALLENGE: Come up with a fabulous recipe (could be a drink, dessert, whatever) that uses N.O. Brew coffee. I’ll pick my favorite submission, print the recipe here, and the company will send the winner a free case of coffee! Yum.

Send your recipe ideas to by Saturday afternoon; winner will be announced Sunday. Please include your address in the email, in case you’re the lucky winner!

As an example, here’s a recipe using N.O. Brew that sounds absolutely delicious:


What you need:

1 1/2 oz Irish Whiskey

1 tsp brown sugar

6 oz traditional NO Brew flavor

Whipped cream

What you do: 

1. Pour whiskey into the bottom of a warmed coffee mug.

2. Add brown sugar and hot coffee; stir to combine.

3. Gently spoon several tablespoons of cream over the top of the hot coffee mixture.

4. Do not stir! Serve immediately.

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