


Do you know someone addicted to carbonation? If so, the Penguin Water Carbonator may be just what the mixologist ordered. It’s a handy contraption that allows you to create your own favorite carbonated beverages at home. You can even customize each batch so that it has just the right amount of fizz. Interestingly enough, there are no batteries or electricity required. Who knew DIY drinks could be so easy?

Me! I am addicted to carbonation

I wrote about the Penguin SodaStream in my Gift Guide awhile back, and continue to want to get my hands on one. 

“I’ve written about my hydration fixation and love of carbonated beverages before, and my friend Cynthia recently wrote me to tell me about SodaStream, which is basically a countertop sparkling water maker (yee!!). I LOVE seltzer, but it does get pricey buying a big bottle of it every day. The systems use no electricity or batteries, and help you save the environment and save your money while enjoying fresh sparkling water that is totally sodium-free and can be spiced up with a variety of flavoring syrups (which have 2/3 less sugar, calories, and carbs than regular store-bought sodas).”

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