
Books always make great presents. Here are some of my favorite picks for gifting purposes:

The Mists of Avalon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley: I’ve read it perhaps five times, starting in tenth grade, and it’s one of the most extraordinary books I’ve ever encountered.

Much to Your Chagrin, by Suzanne Guillette: Read my review here.

Cleaving, by Julie Powell: Read my review here.

D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths: I don’t care how old you are…this one is a classic, and everyone must own it. 

The World According to Garp, by John Irving: Hands-down, my favorite book in the entire world. Kendrick is reading it right now. 

Prisoner of Time, by Caroline Cooney: Because fourteen-year-old me is on the cover wearing a ratty hairpiece, and for absolutely no other reason.

Stephen King’s On Writing: For the scribe in your family.

Anything at all by Anthony Bourdain or Ruth Reichl.


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