
Love this.

In all seriousness, I want to take a moment address the FTC guidelines regulating blogger endorsements and testimonials that go into effect today. From the second I started working at NonSociety, I felt that total and complete transparency – with regards to everything, not just financial compensation – was extremely, extremely important not just because it’s the law (or was going to be the law), but because I think it’s the right thing to do. If I was sent a free sample of a product I’m writing about, I want you to know that. Similarly, if I post a shot of myself in a fancy restaurant that I was only able to go to because my parents (or whoever) took me, I’ll let you know that, too, because I’m completely uninterested in putting one over on you about any aspect of my life. I don’t want you wondering what’s true and what’s made up (or embellished), because if you can’t trust me, I’m failing to do what I set out to do, which is provide real, valuable information that you can use

So the short answer is that I’m going to keep doing what I’ve been doing (disclosing compensation of any kind either with a short blurb or a “sponsored post” button), but I want you to know that you’re always welcome to email me at with any questions or concerns.

That’s all! Happy Tuesday.

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