
Some other unexpected uses for Alka-Seltzer:

– Drop a couple of tablets into your toilet bowl and let sit for 20 minutes or so before cleaning with a toilet brush.

– Soak your dull jewelry in a glass with a tab of Alka-Seltzer to add shine.

– Apply a mix of Alka-Seltzer and water to insect bites to soothe the itch.

– Bubble away the residue at the bottom of vases by filling the vase halfway with water and adding two Alka-Seltzer tablets. Wait until the fizzing has stopped, and then rinse.

– To clean your coffeemaker, fill the water chamber, add four Alka-Seltzer tablets, and run the machine through a brew cycle. Run another cycle using plain water before making coffee.

– Clean your microwave dish by submerging it in water with a few Alka-Seltzer tablets and soaking for at least an hour.


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