
I’ve had the same old long-ish hair for about four years now, and this afternoon I suddenly decided I wanted something with a little more style. I headed over to my friend Karmela Lozina’s apartment, and she took off 3 1/2 or so inches and gave me long, sideswept bangs. 

I’ve been visiting Karmela at the John Sahag Workshop for years now, but this is the first time I’ve seen her apartment. It is an absolute explosion of pink girliness, stocked with gorgeous Italian glass pieces and vintage Barbie dolls (you can see part of her collection behind me). I also got a chance to peek in her closet and…oh, my. You remember that scene in 27 Dresses (or maybe you don’t…was I the only person who saw that?) in which Katherine Heigl’s closet pretty much explodes on her? It’s like that, only full of awesome, beautiful, unusual finds instead of weird bridesmaids’ dresses. I wanted to pick through it for hours…but I’m headed to the Glamour Women of the Year bash at Carnegie Hall tonight, so, newly coiffed, I had to give her a big kiss and run.   

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