
So it turns out that not really working out for, oh, two or so years (save for the occasional dance class) leaves one pretty out of shape. Now, I’m not entirely hopeless when it comes to sports – I scuba dive, snowboard, and even hang glide (just not lately) – but the fact is that exercise hasn’t been a part of my daily (or even weekly) routine in a very long time. I walk everywhere, which keeps me semi-fit, but I’d like to get a little healthier.

I practiced yoga pretty religiously during college, and continued for the first year I was in LA, but I haven’t set foot in a yoga studio since then. That is until yesterday, when I attended the Vinyasa class at Pure Yoga. I had a not-so-great day for a variety of reasons, but left the class feeling worlds better. The studio is absolutely stunning, and my instructor, Kay Kay, incorporated a lot of meditation, which was exactly what I was hoping for. I was shocked to discover that I couldn’t even begin to approach some of the positions I used to assume easily, but I’m going to be attending a bunch of yoga classes in the coming weeks, and am hoping to see a real difference in terms of flexibility and strength.

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