
CK Dress “Before”

Marking the cutoff point w/safety pins

CK Dress “After”

Wanna see the quickest wardrobe fix ever? 

In the first photo, I’m wearing a Calvin Klein dress that used to belong to my mom. She gave it to me about two years ago, but I’ve never worn it, because it’s a little too big and is an awkward length. Francesca suggested I hem it to make it super-short, but we ultimately decided to just hack the bottom three inches off (in the second shot, we’re marking the cutoff point with safety pins) and leave the hem ragged. It turns out that the unfinished hem sort of takes away any residual conservative vibe that the dress might have…and turns it into a perfect tunic over leggings and boots. Ta da!

(In the third shot above, of the two of us on my block, you can see from the reflection in the window what a gorgeous, gorgeous day today was.)

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