
So let’s have a little chat about garlic. Tomorrow is Halloween, vampires vampires, warding off evil, etc etc…it just seems like a good time to discuss the stuff.

Garlic is termed “the stinking rose” not only because it is crazy-delicious, but also because of its numerous health benefits: it is used to treat high cholesterol, poor digestion, and a sluggish immune system, and is thought to lower one’s risk of contracting some common cancers. It can even be used to fight off warts: just slice off the tip of a clove and rub the exposed flesh on the wart for a few seconds every night before bed until the wart disappears. Also, it’s crazy-delicious.

I use garlic – usually supplemented by garlic salt – in just about everything, but I find that it’s quite important to encourage your significant other to consume similar amounts, if you’re interested in, you know, sharing a bed (or anything else) at some point in the near future. 

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