
Biscuits & Bath

This afternoon, I dropped Lucy off at the First Avenue Biscuits & Bath for a grooming (this time, Donald did the honors). I think she looks just lovely (and, OK, maybe a little grumpy in this shot).

This is the second time that Lucy’s been groomed at Biscuits & Bath, and I have to say, I continue to be impressed by how incredibly nice everyone is there. The employees seem to greet every single dog that walks through the door by name, and while I waited they told me adorable stories about some of the boarders. Their affection for their charges is just so obvious that even I, who am a slightly overprotective owner, feel perfectly safe leaving Lucy in their hands.

Huh. Looking at the Biscuits & Bath post from September, I just realized that I am wearing almost exactly the same thing that I did on my first appointment, braids and all (except that I swapped out the Pro Italia hat for Kendrick’s beat-up Indians one, and am wearing a grey sweater instead of a grey t-shirt). Kind of unsurprising, though, given that yeah, this is pretty much what I look like 100% of the time that I’m laying around the house. I am a creature of habit.

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