
At Madangsui, Kendrick and I first enjoyed a plate of steamed meat dumplings (which I determined are a mix of beef and pork, and are absolutely incredible), and then split the Bulgogi (thinly sliced ribeye marinated in a soy-based sauce). I was slightly disappointed to learn that if you only order one BBQ entree they cook it in the kitchen rather than at the table (and one entree plus an appetizer is certainly enough for two people unless you’re both starving), but that’s OK – we’re talking about sacrificing about five minutes of entertainment for budget-friendly deliciousness.

I love how you can tailor the meal to suit your tastes – I prepared my Bulgogi pretty simply, wrapped up in lettuce leaves with a little rice and grilled onion, while Kendrick piled on everything in sight (pictured above). We have pretty different palates – he likes his food extremely spicy, while I…don’t – and it was really nice to be able to eat the same meal, but just adjust it based on what each of us likes. 

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