
On Tuesday night, Francesca and I headed over to the exceptionally elegant (so elegant that I thought it was a very fancy apartment building until the doorman, noticing our confusion, beckoned us over) Bruno Jamais Restaurant on 81st between Madison and 5th for the Girls’ Night Out event. We learned about a bunch of amazing beauty and lifestyle brands including Votre Vu, Honeycat Cosmetics, and Belli, a few of which I think would be perfect additions to my Holiday Gift Guide (look for it around mid-November).

So I’m wondering: what would you like to see included in my very first gift guide? Best friend gifts? Vintage buys? Budget-friendly picks? DIY gifts? Holiday gift-giving can be unbelievably stressful, so I’d like to make it easier for you this year. Tell me what you want to see!

Event attendance was uncompensated, but product samples were generously provided.

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