
I know you’ve been on the edge of your seat about this, but please, take a deep sigh of relief…The Glasses have been found. Turning your couch cushions over yields miraculous results.

They’re Kador Occhialeria, BTW, for those of you who have written me to ask what brand they are.

Above, they’re pictured on George, who was a gift from Kendrick before he left on tour for two months. Yes, I’m 28, and yes, I begged for this stuffed animal – it’s sort of like an enormous body pillow that wraps around you and hugs you back, and is quite wonderful on cold nights when your husband is in Minneapolis (or wherever).

Kendrick bought it at Domus around Christmastime; I stopped in the store recently and didn’t see any in stock, but they’re a popular Xmas item and I imagine they’ll be getting more in soon.

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