
Butter Pecan Ice Cream

This butter pecan ice cream is just about the easiest thing ever (we’re talking 15 minutes to make, tops), and so, so decadent and delicious. Just imagine: your guests are all sitting around the table, finishing up their dinners, and you casually ask them if they’d like some dessert. “Oh, yeah, just whipped up a little ice cream from scratch this afternoon. No biggie.” Hello, impressive.

What you need:

– 2 cups heavy cream

– 1 14oz can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk

– 1 cup chopped, toasted pecans (to toast, just shake them around in a skillet over medium heat until lightly browned, and remove immediately from heat to prevent burning)

– 3 tbsp melted butter

– 1 tsp maple extract

What you do:

1. Whip heavy cream in a large bowl for a few minutes, or until stiff peaks begin to form.

2. In another large bowl, combine condensed milk, pecans, butter, and maple extract. Mix well.

3. Fold the whipped cream into the milk mixture until nicely blended.

4. Pour into a 9″x5″ loaf pan, cover with tin foil, and freeze at least six hours.

Image & recipe via (love that green Jadeite bowl!).

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