Monthly Archives: March 2010


After we wrapped the shoot at Mia Dona, producer and soon-to-be-newlywed Marianne and I grabbed a bite to eat and talked bikinis at The Palace Restaurant (a resounding meh on the split pea soup I ate in honor of St. Patrick’s Day).


Via Lust Object: Be & D New Garbo Tote.

“Accessories are always better when they have a little bit of a kick to them. That’s why this light blue tote is even cuter with studs on it – the pastels are a great contrast with the metal. It’s just the right amounts of hard and soft, feminine and masculine, gentle and edgy.”

Concur. Am presently lusting, and will be commencing search for knockoffs ASAP.


Hm. Oh, dear. Apparently a site exists called “Who’s Dated Who,” and I’m on it (which is funny and weird in and of itself), along with two of my ex-boyfriends (Rob and Jason) and my husband. And my husband is losing in the “Top Romance” contest, which is making him grumpy. Can I enlist some help to fix this little problem? 

P.S. Just discovered via RBNS, of all places, that Rob is having a baby! We haven’t always been on the best terms, but screw our history: it’s a baby! I’m absolutely thrilled for Rob and Kaitlin.

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